Dealer Talk Audio Podcast

The Dealer Talk podcast brings together the automotive retail industry’s brilliant minds to share expertise, experiences, and insights that help you become a better professional. Dive into every aspect of your business — marketing, sales, fixed operations, and leadership. Become a part of our community and help propel the industry and your career forward.
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Paul Sansone Jr: Life Happens to Everyone
Paul Sansone Jr. has been an auto dealer since our host was 3 years old. In that time, he has

James Gilboy: Anticipating the Unforeseen
Charity’s obsession with all things EV continues with James Gilboy, Staff Writer for The Drive and self-proclaimed ‘EV Guy.’ Are

The Cost of Advertising Price of an Unremarkable Service & Product
The fast pace of our industry makes it difficult to track cost, ROI, and even attribution. Your CRM only gives

Chris Martinez: Old Habits Die Hard
The old habits are the hardest to overcome. As we grow, change and pivot toward a new perspective, we should

Mike Vogel: Earning the Right to Customer Loyalty
In this episode, we focus on customer care and loyalty in our fixed operations with Mike Vogel of Automotive Service

Brian Allee: Culture Eats Process for Breakfast
Connect: Brian Allee In this episode, we meet with Brian Allee of A2ZSync to discuss the power of an end-to-end

Steve Powers: Creating Reasonable Industry Expectations
Steve has spent more than 24 years in the Auto industry. The spark happened when he started his career at

Durran Cage: New Cars are the New Salary
What an incredible episode with Durran Cage! Everyone gets passionate about their opinions on how to motivate our sales teams

Ben Gay III: Sales -Person-Ship
Ben Gay III is in the house with amazing stories of his incomparable life and perspective on the craft and