Chris Martinez: Old Habits Die Hard

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The old habits are the hardest to overcome. As we grow, change and pivot toward a new perspective, we should take every opportunity to find success. This episode discusses the importance of adapting to change with bestselling author Chris Martinez.

He is people-driven, results-driven, customer-oriented, and forward-thinking with more than 17 years of experience in the automotive industry in senior roles.


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Opec+ Cuts Oil Production

Consumer Fear of Autonomous Vehicles

Uber Signs Contract with Motional

Boris Lopez

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05:39 Our Sponsor Foureyes

10:06 Automotive News

35:17 Blogpost of the Week

43:00 Chris Martinez

51:25 Old Habits Die Hard

01:2:34 Vehicle Acquisition Strategies

01:13:14 The Impact of Covid


Chris Martinez


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