Phil Penton: Merchandising for Success

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Welcome back!

How critical is merchandising in the digital world we live in?

I got to tell you now more than ever we can’t afford to MISS in this department.

During this interview, I had the pleasure of speaking with one of the most innovative people in the industry, Phill Penton, the CEO of Xcite automotive has really taking things to next level and you need to listen to this session for a full understanding at just how much!

Time Highlights:

3:00 Why outsource your merchandising efforts?

5:00 How critical is merchandising in the digital age?

13:00 Why 360?

17:00 The metrics 360 provides that tell a better story

26:37 Hox excite automotive impacts the bottom line

33:00 next five years

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Xcite Automotive



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Email: [email protected]

Twitter: philpenton

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Thank you for tuning in and as usual, we will TALK later!

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