Join Erik and myself as we review a new piece of technology and this one is all about video. The thing I personally like about video is that it is by far the quickest way for humans to build rapport and connect with one another. I truly believe that video will continue to grow in the years to come as one of if not THE preferred method of contact.
Anna Young joins us in this conversation to unveil this platform but we are mainly talking about the WHY, why is this platform one that could help Dealers bridge the gap between the purchase and the potential buyer. We also talk about the benefits and here is where our guest extensive experience in the automotive industry shines and provides tremendous insights into some of the issues that we see today and how these issues can be “deal killers” before the potential buyer ever steps foot into your Dealership.
How is your current digital experience? Are you 100% confident that the potential buyer, who by the way only visits 1.5 stores before buying, is getting the experience they truly want prior to their visit? If not, then you need to checkout this episode and buckle up because we are going on a ride uncovering some of the main issues that customers are facing today and more importantly how you can prevent these from happening at your store….HERE WE GO!
Here is how you can get in touch with Anna:
Email: [email protected]
Automotive landing page:
Also, don’t forget to check us at ….We would welcome your questions and make sure to leave us your feedback!!!
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And on Instagram at @dealertalk….and don’t forget to checkout our YouTube Page
Thank you for tuning in and as usual we will TALK later…