Dealer Talk Episode #11 Keith Theisen ROBUST Strategies for the Car Business Today [2018]

You are currently viewing Dealer Talk Episode #11 Keith Theisen ROBUST Strategies for the Car Business Today [2018]

Such a jam-packed session with Keith Theisen! Tune in and join Erik and Herb as they have a conversation on the business as it stands today and some of the best practices in areas that a lot of dealerships can afford to pay a closer look. Keith is a veteran of the business who is currently working for Cox Automotive consulting with dealerships on a day to day basis. Because of his practical experience he brings a unique perspective that has a lot of insights and practical advice you can implement now! Tune in and be prepared for an experience.

Also make sure to check out the inside joke, which became sort of the theme of the episode. All because I used the word ROBUST! Leave it up to Erik to set the tone…

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